
2 year - 3 year

Children move from Caterpillars to Butterflies class. In this room they will have a larger room to explore with a variety of different activities that are designed to develop their language, creative, and social development.

Cooking, dressing up, water and sand play, painting, sensory activities take place during the sessions. Singing and story time help foster a love of music and books. They will explore mark making using a variety of resources including chalk, paint, mud, and water these are the first steps towards writing.


We encourage the children to say please and thank you as they begin to understand we all have feelings and how to respect one another.

The children are encouraged to become independent, we promote this by each child having their own folder to place their creations in, ready to take home and share with parents at the end of the week.


Butterflies room has an outdoor play area that is open for free flow so the children can enjoy being inside or out. The area is enclosed so the children can access this in all weathers. All areas of learning are available outside as well as inside.

Transfer from room to room

The transfer of children from one class to another is carefully planned, The child, parents, and the staff all play an important role in the transition. Children initially visit their new class with their keyworker from their existing room. These visits are short and spread over a period of time. Parents are introduced to the new staff of the room, meet the new keyworker, and see the new room. Children move only when they are ready.