
6 weeks - 16 Months

The baby unit has been carefully adapted to meet the needs of our youngest children. It has a homely atmosphere and has been carefully designed to enable our babies to feel safe, comfortable, and secure.

Our staff are fully qualified, mature and experienced. Staff are committed to the well-being and above all happiness of your baby. They are devoted to building a bonding relationship with each baby and work closely with parents to enable home routines to be maintained.

Bumblebees provide for babies under one, with not only a caring, loving environment but a full range of fun filled activities. These are carefully planned to encourage the development, creativity, and independence of each child.


With the beautiful countryside that surrounds Puddleducks, the Bumblebee children will be taken on walks in the pushchairs to explore the country park and surrounding area.

In the baby unit, we provide nappies, wipes, and formula, this is included in our fees. As babies begin to eat solid food, our nursery cook will prepare fresh food daily. Babies will have lunch at 11.45 am and is included if your baby does the long morning session. Tea will be served at 4.00 pm and is included in the long afternoon session. Babies attending all sessions will enjoy a mid-morning and afternoon snack. Our weekly menus can be viewed under the menu tab on our website or viewed on the welcome pack which is sent out when registered.

We ask parents to supply a couple of changes of clothes and personal items.

Transfer from room to room

The transfer of children from one class to another is carefully planned, The child, parents, and the staff all play an important role in the transition. Children initially visit their new class with their keyworker from their existing room. These visits are short and spread over a period of time. Parents are introduced to the new staff of the room, meet the new keyworker, and see the new room. Children move only when they are ready.